Swapping Liquidity Pair Tokens

When unstaking a slYDF NFT, you will receive Liquidity Pair (LP) tokens back to your wallet. To see the tokens in your wallet, you will need to import the corresponding LP token address to your wallet. For ETH, you will receive UniSwap v2 LP tokens. The address for UniSwap LP tokens is:


For ARB, you will receive SushiSwap LP tokens. The address for SushiSwap LP tokens is:


Swapping UniSwap LP Tokens

  • Navigate to the UniSwap App

  • Select Pool from the menu options

  • From the More dropdown, select V2 liquiditiy

  • Connect your wallet to the UniSwap app and it will automatically detect the LP tokens in your wallet and auto-populate the YDF/ETH pair. Select Manage to expand the YDF/ETH pair and click Remove.

  • Select how many of your liquidity pool tokens you would like to swap and click Remove to swap your LP tokens for displayed amount of ETH and YDF.

Swapping SushiSwap LP Tokens

  • Navigate to the SushiSwap app

  • From the menu, select Liquidity and click Pool

  • Connect your wallet to the SushiSwap app and it will automatically detect the LP tokens in your wallet and auto-populate the YDF-ETH pair. Select down arrow to expand the YDF-ETH pair and click Remove.

  • Enter the percentage of how many of your liquidity pool tokens you would like to swap and click Confirm Withdrawal to swap your LP tokens for the displayed amount of ETH and YDF.

Last updated