Buying a Package

How to Purchase a Package

There are 2 ways to go about purchasing an OTC Package:

  1. If an OTC Package has a list price set, you can click Buy and choose to pay the list price for the package:

  2. You can make an offer to the seller to buy their OTC Package at a specified price, even if the OTC Package does not have a list price set. To do so, click Make Offer.

    In the following window, first choose the token you would like to make the offer with by clicking Select Token and selecting one of the pre-approved tokens to make your offer with. Afterwards, enter the amount of said token you would like to offer the owner for the OTC Package.

    Optionally, you may set an expiration date for your offer so that the offer is only good until a certain date and time.

    Once your details are entered, click Make Offer and your offer will be available for the seller to accept or reject. Offers that you have made are listed on the sidebar. If you wish to remove an offer you have made, simply click Remove Offer on the appropriate package offer.

Last updated