OTC White Label Creation


How to create an OTC White Label

  1. Visit https://app.yieldification.com/otc and select White Label OTCs.

  2. Review any existing pages you've created here, or click Create New White Label Page to create a new one.

  3. Give your white label page a name, or enter the contract address of a token for the name of the token to be entered automatically. This will determine the URL of your white label page to integrate later.

  4. Once created, you will enter the White Label Editor to begin customizing your white label page. Each drop down menu section on the left contains every individual item within the white label page that can be designed to your liking.

  • Logo - An image can be uploaded of your project's logo that will be placed in the top left corner of the white label page, as well as above the Pools container.

  • Filter Token - Token addresses may be entered that will set the default filter of your white label page to only show pools and packages that contain the addresses entered here, otherwise, all pools and packages will be displayed. Users will still have the option to show all pools and packages.

  • General Design - Contains the primary color choices for the base items of the white label page, such as the page's background color and primary text colors.

  • Header Design - Contains options for the header title that can be seen at the top left corner of the white label page.

  • Packages & Pools - Contains options for the Packages and Pools buttons that are below the header for a user to switch between viewing Packages and Pools.

  • Input Design - Contains options for the background colors of the slider input sections.

  • Slider Design - Contains options for the input sliders themselves.

  • Select Token Dropdown - Contains options for the drop down menus when a user is selecting a token in the Pools container.

  • Button Design - Contains options for the buttons used in the white label page, such as Create OTC, Connect / Disconnect Wallet, Swap and Make Offer buttons.

  1. After configuring the white label page to your liking, you may preview your creation via the Preview button.

  2. If you would like to start over and reset everything to default, you can click the Reset button.

  3. Once you are finished, click Save and Publish.

    This will bring up a gasless transaction for your wallet to sign that will tie the connected wallet to the created OTC White Label page which will receive shared revenue based on the transactions that occur within the created white label page. The white label page will be available under the following URL along with the name you selected for your white label that can be integrated into your website.


If you need assistance with creating an OTC White Label, have questions / feedback, or would like to join the White Label community of partners, please message one our below admins in Telegram. YDFSupport AltKing SirWellington CryptoJoker

Last updated