Supply & Tokenomics

Entry point to the protocol: YDF is the primary ERC-20 token that serves as the entry point to the yieldification protocol. From day one it is offered on the Ethereum network and traded on Uniswap, but will ultimately likely be offered on various centralized exchanges and potentially even across networks.

Starting Supply

696,900,000 YDF*

* The nature of the protocol is such that YDF is continuously burned and minted as revenue generating utility and protocol products that consume YDF burn and user's stake/unstake. Yield generated from staking will mint YDF to the vesting contract to be vested for users following unstaking.

Supply Allocation

Between the team and a small number of trusted advisors with years of experience in crypto and DeFi, we raised funds to launch YDF with a healthy initial amount of liquidity on Uniswap to support the size and scale we expect YDF to perform at once we release our utility and roadmap. That being said, for full transparency and disclosure the supply at launch was broken up in the following way:

Pre/At Launch

WhoAmount (% supply)Vesting Status/Period

Uniswap Liquidity




Unicrypt Locked




Not vested



240 days

Advisors/Initial Liquidity Providers


Not vested

Advisors/Initial Liquidity Providers


240 days

Post Launch OTC (7-8 individuals, see Post Launch section below)


Not vested

Unvested Total


240 Day Vested Total




Post Launch

As provided in the table above, we have and will continue to consider fair, meaningful, and +EV OTC investments and allocations to outside advisors, KOLs, and value-adding individuals as the opportunity presents themselves. To date, we have given ~5% supply as unvested OTC packages to several different individuals who have already provided tangible value to the project through exposure and connections.

Trade Taxes

0%: use 0.1%-0.5% slippage in Uniswap


  • YDF is burned as revenue generating utility consumes and/or collects fees and product revenue from utility.

  • YDF is minted anytime a user claims their yield from their sYDF or slYDF NFTs (see Staking). This YDF is minted directly to the vesting contract (see YDF Yield Vesting) and a timer starts for users to begin vesting their earned yield from staking over a 90 day period.

Last updated