

When YDF is unstaked, the related NFT is burned and the principal balance is returned to the owner's wallet. If the staking lockup period has not expired, then the principal balance returned will be subject to penalties described below.

APRs for new stakes have and will continue to be lowered as needed to maintain sustainability, therefore, it is extremely important for anyone choosing to unstake their YDF to take into consideration their stake's APR and the APRs that are currently available for new stakes.

If the staked APR is higher than the currently available APRs for new stakes, It is often more beneficial to list the stake on the NFT Marketplace rather than unstaking to receive the principal balance. The NFT Price Guide contains detailed information explaining this scenario.

Unstaking Early

Selecting a longer lockup period when staking either your YDF or liquidity provides higher APRs on the yield you earn, but we understand there are situations where one might need the capital before a lockup period has completed for whatever reason. We allow you to unstake at any time regardless of whether you're in a lockup period or not, but if you have not staked the full lockup period length of time you will be subject to a principal penalty that's directly and linearly proportional to your lockup time and the length of time you've currently staked.

Calculation: Early Unstake Principal You Will Receive

(stakedPrincipal * lengthOfTimeStaked) / stakeLockupLengthOfTime


John stakes 100 YDF with a 120 day lockup period earning 100% APR.

After 60 days, John needs capital to pay bills and opts to unstake his staked YDF. When John unstakes his 100% APR earned yield over the 60 days will begin vesting (see YDF Yield Vesting), but he will only receive 50 YDF from his principal back because he only staked his tokens for 50% of the lockup period.

Other Scenarios

The below table shows the outcome of various unstaking scenarios based on the above example where John stakes 100 YDF with a 120 day lockup period at 100% APR.

Unlock After (days)
APR (%)
Principal Returned
Vesting Rewards
Total YDF Claimed

60 days


50 YDF (50%)

16.438 YDF

66.438 YDF (50 + 16.438 Vested)

90 days


75 YDF (90%)

24.657 YDF

99.657 YDF (75 + 24.657 Vested)

120 days


100 YDF (100%)

32.876 YDF

132.876 YDF (100 + 32.876 Vested)

240 days


100 YDF (100%)

66.666 YDF

166.666 YDF (100 + 66.666 Vested)

365 days


100 YDF (100%)

100 YDF

200 YDF (100 + 100 Vested)

What happens to sacrificed capital?

The YDF component of any capital that is sacrificed by an early claimer will be burned. Just like with the decay tax, this helps the protocol offset emissions by reducing the available supply of YDF. If the sacrificed capital was part of an LP position, then either:

  1. YDF is burned and the ETH is sent to the treasury to be paid as Non-YDF Staking Rewards or

  2. LP Position is transferred to a Protocol owned address and becomes protocol owned liquidity

Last updated